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May 29, 2021

Celebrating our first year anniversary with a gift for educators! 


What a challenging school year it has been! Covid really shook us all to the core and pushed us to reinvent ourselves in ways we would never have. Teachers have been at the forefront of this reinvention and for our children, they have been our “frontliners”, making sure our children continue to stay connected with each other, find consistency amidst the chaos and learn in joyful online classrooms as they grow their resilience, find courage and nurture their well-being.


As a way for us to show our gratitude to our superheroes during this time, we have planned a whole day of workshops specially dedicated to our dear teachers everywhere: Nourishing the Whole Teacher. Instead of focusing on theory and just teaching practice, we have crafted a day filled with topics that nourish and empower our superheroes: from wellness and emotional well-being, financial planning, health and fitness. They spent the whole year ensuring our children’s well-being despite their challenges and hurdles, making sure the online classrooms were safe and welcoming. It is our time to give back. 


Participate in our session/s by registering here: 



To help us reach more educators, you can sponsor our event.

Sessions you can choose from:




Kimi Lu and Michelle Tambunting


9:00-9:45 am 


Emotional wellbeing session designed for teachers. Fill your cup so you can have more positive energy to share with the people around you. 




By: Icka Santos 


10:00-10:45 am


This is a great opportunity to learn from one another on what worked well while doing online learning so we can go from surviving to thriving! 

Wellness for Teachers

Teacher Hacks for

Online Learning

Play Based Learning

11:00-11:45 am


Understand the value of play in children's lives and how to create opportunities for learning through play.


Host: Christi-Ann Moody


12:30-1:00 pm


Get to meet educators and have meaningful conversations with them about some important issues in education right now. 

Teachers Virtual Soiree


Icka Santos



Barbara Grotowska


1:15-2:00 pm


Learn how to create opportunities for your students to develop their creativity and explore different possibilities through Art.



Artified: Integrating Art in Teaching



Eda Go, Donna Simpao and Liana Lim-Cruz


2:15-3:00 pm


Learn some practical ways to use inquiry based learning approach in developing your children's Language and Literacy skills.


Developing Literacy Skills through Inquiry Based Learning



Johan Montes

The Abundant Teacher  (Money does matter!)

3:15-4:00 pm


Money is a big aspect in making us feel secured and balanced. Learn how to feel abundant so we can worry about other more important things in life. 



Stephanie Barredo and

Mandy Mangubat

Tech Tools for Teaching

4:15-5:00 pm


Get updated with Apps and tech tools that can make learning more fun and engaging. 



Debra Cantrell and

Melissa De Sole 


finding your inner calm.

5:15-6:15 pm


Focusing on your physical wellbeing, Deb and Mel will end our day with a  yoga and meditation session. 

Co-Organized By: 


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Co-presented By: 

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