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Early Childhood Workshops
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This workshop will help teachers and parents understand how children learn best when they are given the sense of agency. It is a good reflection point for how much room do we allow for students to grow and how we empower them through the kinds of engagements, conversations and environment we surround them with. 



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In this workshop, the speaker will introduce the works of Vivian Gussin Paley and have discussions on how current use of fantasy play are used as entry point for language building. This is a hands on workshop wherein the participants will dive into the process and enjoy learning from their own experience. 



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In this workshop, we will explore how inquiry based learning looks like in the early years and how we can help young learners develop their understanding about the world around them. We will share concrete examples on how inquiry was made possible from capturing students' curiosities, to allowing them to giving them opportunities to apply and take action with their new learnings. 


Workshops for Parents
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In this workshop, parents will learn the value of play in young children's lives and how this impacts their development while immersing into the experience of creating and learning themselves. It is a great way for parents to reward themselves to unwind and have a great time while learning so much about their little ones. 



Parents' Playdate_ All I Want for Christ

In this workshop, parents experience hands on activities that are crucial in developing skills in young children. We unlock the true spirit of Christmas through learning how to create meaningful experiences with our children. 


Pillars of Children's Wellness in the Ne


In this webinar, we talked about the value of play in in the midst of the pandemic and how this helps the social-emotional wellbeing of young children. We also talked about the importance of having  children stay active at home and how this helps them in their values formation as well. 




This is a 4 module workshop to help parents understand the foundations of learning for children in early childhood. In this workshop, we unpack the developmental theories about children's development, their social, emotional and behavioral growth, and how to support their learning best at home. 

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For parents who are working from home, it is very challenging to set the boundaries and stay balanced between work and time for family. Sometimes, it is our health and mental wellness that suffer. Learn from our experts on the important things to consider to make this possible and effective ways we can take care of our personal wellness. 



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This workshop focuses on providing tips for parents on how to support your kids to develop good habits and self-management skills. Coach Ally breaks down step by step process and systems you can put in place in your homes to support your child. She also provides materials on how you can make it fun for your kids!

Inquiry and Concept-Based Learning
Inquiry and Concept-Based Learning
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Learn from our experts how children in primary school develop their conceptual understandings in different concepts through inquiry based learning approach. Develop your understanding on what it truly means to be an inquiry teacher and see concrete examples of how this has been done by our trainers/ consultants. 



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In this workshop, we will explore what provocations are and how important it is in achieving high levels of student engagement. Participants will immerse in the process of developing an effective provocation and learn the different things we need to consider when designing tuning in activities. 



Ed Tech and Online Learning
Ed Tech and Online Learning
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Children in early years need to explore with their senses and learn through play. How do we make this possible through e-learning? How do we achieve active student engagement in this new set up from the little ones? These are some questions we will be answering in this session. 



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When doing remote or virtual learning,  how do we design effective provocations that will capture students' curiosities and make them feel connected with what they are about to learn? This is the question we will explore and answer in this session. Participants will learn how to develop good provocations for this kind of learning set-up. 



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In this workshop, we will learn how to maximize student engagement in different kinds of learning set up using different tech tools. We will also learn the important role of visual thinking routines and different applications we can use to document students' thinking processes. This will also be a good reflection point for educators on how they have been using tech and if they are maximizing it to help students reach new heights. 

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Educational Leadership
Educational Leadrship


In this session, our speakers will share their rich experiences in educational leadership that allowed them to be effective and adaptable to the current challenges of these times. 



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