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Betsy Kung

Elementary Educator

Betsy is an elementary teacher currently based in Shenzhen, China. After obtaining her degree in psychology and education (primary/junior) at the University of Toronto, she moved abroad to begin her teaching career in South Korea. What she thought would be a one year PYP internship before heading home to work full time became 5 years (and counting) of teaching abroad.

The grades she has taught include grades 1 and 5, and is currently a grade 3 homeroom teacher. Having taught a range of ages at the primary level, every year has been valuable learning experiences. Throughout these years she has developed interest in inquiry-based learning, translanguaging, socio-emotional education and collaborative skills.

Betsy aspired to be an educator at a young age, with the motivation of wanting to pursue this career with one thought in mind: “I want to help others succeed.” Through her experience working in different schools, collaborating with a number of people, dealing with a student demographic much different from all her university placements, she now has many more thoughts about this career. Her current view is that the role of an educator is never what’s written in the job descriptions and what was taught in university. However, helping others succeed still holds true to her.

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