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Cassandra Franklin

Professional Wellbeing Coach

Hi, it is so lovely to meet you! I’m excited our paths have crossed so that you can begin the incredible transformation from feeling overwhelmed to riding the waves of life, anchored by intentional living. I'm Cassandra Franklin, a Certified Professional Wellbeing Coach, mom of two, qualified teacher and lover of learning. I am honoured that I have the opportunity to help parents and educators SLOW down, listen and FEEL their best.

Having spent years juggling the demands of raising young children while teaching internationally, I have a strong appreciation for what it feels like to navigate these complicated and albeit challenging waters. With nearly twenty years living in and travelling through various countries and cultures combined with ten years teaching at home and abroad, I know how to live life BIG and on my own terms.

However, through this journey, it has become loud and clear, that without grounding ourselves in personal development and reflective practices, it's so EASY to get lost in the busyness of life, so normal to feel overwhelmed and of course lose sight of WHO we really are, HOW we are showing up, and WHO we are becoming.

I'm here to help you let go of being busy, re-energise, discover new perspectives and focus on taking care of YOU first. When you are well, you are afforded the opportunity to become a change-maker and serve others with everyday acts of kindness, curiosity, compassion and creativity.

“The future of life as we know it is being determined by everything we are doing—and NOT doing. Now.”
Oprah Winfrey

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